Stop pretending
you’re not magic.
We have been taught to rely entirely on our rational minds,
and it’s not working out great.
We overthink.
We agonize over decisions.
We second guess ourselves and ignore our gut feelings.
The rational mind is lovely and useful, but it has limitations. Adding an intuitive dimension to your toolkit provides an additional source of data and a new lens for experiencing reality — not to replace your worldview, but to supplement and expand it.
✨ I teach people how to tune into their inner wisdom — and act on it. ⚡️
Intuition is like any other skill; practice using it, and you will get better. Intuitive senses are real, their impact is measurable, and they can make your life a whole lot easier — and less stressful.
I am just like you, someone who spent a great part of my life shutting down access to these abilities. I’ve spent the last decade or so figuring out simple and practical ways to open them back up.